Here is a current list of applications that you and your friends should be aware of. If you want to be a part of these applications, that is your choice, just as it is someone else’s choice not to play with these applications and therefore remove those who do from their friend/neighbor list.
Is this just a game, YES? but so are golf & card games. Would you want to play with people who ignore the rules to give themselves an advantage? A little nudge of the golf ball here, a quick peek at other players cards. These aren't against the law, but they are hardly the behavior of people many would choose to call friends.
Do the 3rd party programs make it easy for you to get stuff? Probably YES. But by using them, does it totally comply with the game rules that the creator made? "Definitely not" (please see Zynga's TOS rules)
(The use of "Bot" Programs or 3rd party scripts that automatically perform actions on your computer, whether in a game or on a website, is strictly prohibited.) What part of this is not understood?
READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE for you to decide..
Please keep in mind that these 'links' are NOT 100% ACCURATE! If the links take you to your homepage, do not worry, this just means that it has been shut down by Facebook, we can only hope its permanent. So please check these links often, unless you really don't trust that person's game play.
With this information, it is left for you to decide. Using the links below should give you the needed information of who is on your page is on or using theses sites. It is up to you to make your own choices of who you want to play with in your game time.
1. - Gamers Unite:
2. - Game Scrubber:
3. - Speed FW Bonus:
4. - All Game Bonus Checker (Freeder):
5. - Streamers:
7. - Gamehelpers helper:
8. -Game Bonus Collector:
9. -Baking Life bonus checker:
10. -BeJeweled Blitz bonus checker:
11. -Bola bonus checker:
12. -Cafe World Bonus Checker:
13.- Car Town bonus checker:
14. -City of Wonder bonus checker:
15. - Country Life bonus checker:
16. -Family Feud bonus checker:
17. -Farm Town Bonus Checker:
18. - Farmville Bonus Checker #1:
19. -Farmville Masters:
20. - Farmville gift exchange:
21. -FIFA Superstars bonus checkers:
22. - Fishville bonus checker:
23. -Fishworld bonus checker:
24. -FrontierVille Bonus Checker #1:
25.(A) -Frontier Bonus checker #2:
25.(B)- Frontier Ville Bonus: ** ADDED 3/06/2011**
26. - Happy Aquarium bonus checker:
27. -Happy Island bonus checker:
28. -Happy Pets bonus checker:
29. -Hello City:
30.-Hotel City bonus checker:
31. - Island Paradise bonus checker:
32. -IT Girl bonus checker:
33. -Kingdoms of Camelot bonus checker:
34. - Mafia War Bonus Checker:
35. -Mall World bonus checker:
36. -Market Street bonus checker :
37. -Millionaire City bonus checker:
38. -My Empire bonus checker :
39. -NightClub City bonus checker:
40. -Ninja Saga bonus checker:
42. -PetVille Bonus checkers:
43. -Pirates Ahoy bonus checker:
44. - Restaurant City bonus checker:
45. -Social City bonus checker:
46. -Sorority Life bonus checker:
47. -Texas Hold ‘em Poker bonus checker:
48. -Treasure Island Bonus Checkers:
49. -Vampire Wars bonus checker:
50. -YoVille bonus checker:
51. -Zoo World Bonus Checker:
52.-CityVille Bonus Checker:
53. Mafia Wars Cheater:
54. Backyard Monsters bonus checker:
55. Café Life bonus checker:
56. Castle Age bonus checker:
57. Country Story bonus checker:
58. Fashion World bonus checker:
59. MMA Pro Fighter Bonus checker:
60. Monster World bonus checker:
61. Resort World bonus checker:
62. Tiki Resort bonus checker:
63. Wild Ones bonus checker:
64. Massive Bonus Checker:
65. Treasure Madness Bonus Checker :
66. Game Friend Finder:
67. Ravenwood Fair Bonus Checker:
68. FrontierVille Bonus Collector:
69. Ninga Saga Bonus Collector:
70. City Of Wonder Bonus Collector:
71. PetVille Bonus Collector:
72. Baking Life Bonus Collector:
73. Widdly Gifts:
74. Cafe World Bonus Collector:
75. BonusBuddy:
76. It Girl Bonus Finder:
77. PetVille Bonus Finder:
78. Zoo World Bonus Finder:
79. Cafe World Bonus Finder:
80. Treasure Isle Bonus Finder:
81. Farmville Bonus Finder:
82. Hotel City Bonus Finder:
83. FrontierVille Bonus Finder:
84. Bonus Collector:
85. Homepage Filters:
86.This page supports cheating, Farmville World:
87. Mafia Wars Cheat Blog-Mafia Wars Loot Lady: **Added 2/27/11
88.(A) Watch For Your MAFIA!! 2 Sites:
88.(B)-Mafia Wars Disabled Forum:
89.-Spockholm Mafia Tools:**Added 2/27/11
90. CafeWorld Bonus-Speed CW:
91. City Bonus Checker:
92. Frontier Bonus:
93. Social City Bonus Collector:(May have been perm. shut down)
94. CafeWorld Bonus-Speed CW:
95. Cafe World Gift App:
96. Treasure Win:(from the makers of Speeder):
97. TheFacebookInsider:
98. Social Bonus:
99. Bonus Checker Classic: **Added 2/27/11
100. ESPN U College Town Bonus Checker: **Added 2/27/11
101. FarmVille Bonus Collector(By S. Chris) **Added2/27/11
102. Warstorm Bonus Checker: (By X. Derry)**Added 2/27/11
103. Zoo Paradise Bonus Checker: (By. X. Derry)**Added 2/27/11
104. Crime City Bonus Checker:
1. Farm Bonuses:
2. Cafe Bonuses:
3. Frontier Bonuses:
4. Treasure Bonuses:
5. Zoo Bonuses:
6. City Bonuses:
7. Mafia Bonuses:
8. It Girl Bonuses:
9. Ravenwood Bonuses:
10.Mall World Bonuses:
11. Evony Bonuses:
12.Wonder Bonuses:
13.-PS Mafia Wars Autoplayer:
14. Mafia Wars Bots:
15. Crime Bonuses: **Added 2/27/11
16. Millionaire Bonuses:
17. Ninja Bonuses:
**Google Chrome Extension Toolbar**
Web Site:
1. FV Extender:(Facebook Fan Page)
**Added 2/27/11**
Web Site: GameMaster:Friendly Game Simplifier:
1. FGS:(Facebook Fan Page)
Thanks to you and the 4f groups and all the other play fair groups and their members for reporting prohibited sites, we have helped get these sites shut down.
1. FV Feed Filter:
2. Farmville Collector Application Detector #4:
3. Frontierville Bonus checker 2:
4. Farm Town Bonus Checker # 2 :
5. Farmville cheats and gamemanager:
6. FV assist:
7. MAFIA WARS Open Looted Weapon UNLOCK ALL!!:
8. -Zoo Paradise bonus checker:
9. -Truecheaters:
10.-Real farm Gifts:
11.- Social City Bonus Collector:
12.- Social Bonus:
13. Farmville Hacking:
THIS IS A LIST OF ZYNGA APPROVED SITES, Is your helper program here? If the answer is NO. Then it is not approved by Zynga or FarmVille! toolbar.zynga is the ONLY approved toolbar. Why? Simply because it's their game & they set the rules.
READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE for you to decide..
If you are having problems finding and removing some apps, please read below this may help some of you. But not all they are many ways to get rid of these. Most of you will be stunned to see how many apps you really have that is on your page.
For all of you that keep saying you are not on these apps or don’t know how to remove them, or have looked in your apps and you can’t find it. Please. Go to your Account> Privacy Settings>(lower left side) Application Settings Edit>Edit, then scroll through until you find the 3rd party app. You should also delete all the apps you are not using while you are there; some are not good to have on your page, esp. SCAM Pages that take ALL your info.
This Link is also a Short Cut to your Apps.:
This Note and link page is neither endorsed, nor sponsored by, nor affiliated with Zynga, Facebook, or any other gaming company. All original photos, images and articles are copyright to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended. Where possible the appropriate credit is given. Due to image alterations ownership of many images can not be verified. Where ownership is known credit is as given. This is for information purpose only, It is up to the users to choose who they want to play they games with. We don’t advocate bullying or treating any users of any these sites or apps. If you choose to delete users from your page for using any 3rd party applications or snag bars or bonus checkers you do so at your will.