We are a Play Fair Farm group that believes that the use of any automation or Bot’s or any 3rd party scripts apps is in violation of Facebook and Gaming TOS Rules. Anyone that uses programs or game feed filters to give that player an unfair advantage over other players, is in violation of said rules over fair players that don’t want to use, add or down load harmful apps or programs to their computer. We want to play any simple game fairly.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Farmville AutoFarmer App Page
3rd Party App Farmville AutoFarmer app is a cheater app downloading into computers. Please inform anyone on this page, that the download program is in violation w/ Zynga & Facebook's TOS rules on Bots, Hacks & Scripts
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Groups and Blogs we will no longer support.
Groups and Blogs we will no longer be supporting or anyone that is on them.
Good Day Fair Farmer,
We just wanted to let you all know some facts. We ( Friends for Fair Farming, Play fair, Scamville and Our Respective Blogs ) will no longer be supporting, Post things from or adding friends that use cheat sites or blogs & groups that support cheating or groups that support spamming and any other groups that bully ppl, threaten ppl or don't know how to treat ppl with respect.
Below will be the start of our list, we will add as we go and when we have finished our reports and testing on the rest we will add to the list of groups we will not support or recommend.
FarmvilleFeed.com - http://www.facebook.com/FarmVilleFeed?sk=app_7146470109
They not only support cheating and cheat sites, they offer one on their Blog.
Use the link above to go to their Blog, Look at the top of their page in the menu bar and you will see a tab for Farmville cheats.
They are offering an auto collector to cheat in many Zynga games. This is a clear violation of Zynga’s TOS and Rules & Regulations.
Farmville freak has removed their old post about supporting fv bonus checkers. They no longer support the use of bonus checkers or any cheat site at this time.
We would like to let everyone know we have been in contact with the creator of Farmville freak. Angela has been very reasonable and at our request, she has removed the link that supports FV Bonus checkers. Below you will find the link to the old post. As you can see, it has been shut down and removed from their archive. This is how things are done the right way. She has handled this in a professional manor. That is why we will now take them off the list of groups we do not support.
We would like to thank everyone for their support and the admins that helped make this happen. As you, all know we are a fun fair farming group that will not support any one who supports cheating or cheat sites. If every other group would have handled this, in the same way that she did, we could have removed many more from the list that we don’t support. Most wanted to fight and be bullies and try to fight with everyone and threaten everyone, if they would have just acted like adults or men, then things could have been different but it took a woman to see straight and do right and understand why we did what we did and how to fix it. We do feel sad for the rest.
Good day and happy fair farming.
We all have a lot of people on FarmvilleFeed.com and we will give everyone some time to remove themselves, We will also be removing anyone if they are found on any cheat sites or blogs that cheat or support cheating.
It is always your choice if you want to be using 3rd party scripts, to enhance game play, or support people that use them. You all know we are a fair farming group and a scam free group and that we will remove people that want to keep their "enhancers" or support ppl that do or those sites. We would hope you all would just remove them both and move on and get your info from groups and pages that do not ignore Facebook's, Zynga's or any other gaming company's TOS rules and do not have scams or support them.
These blogs have turned to 3rd party apps to help their page, this will cause a lot of problems with everyone and many will want to fight and argue with them or our group.
Do yourself a favor, delete the cheating apps & cheating blogs from your page so we won't have to delete those that argue and complain because we will delete those people as well, we do not have time for drama or hate speech. We have done our homework and have our facts right. We just want to protect you and help you and as always play fair.
Here is a brief list of other sites we DO NOT support and we cannot recommend to you for many different reasons. We will have more and more details on all these sites, pages and blogs soon.
The list of sites & groups, that the 4f group, Scamville & the Play Fair will not support, post for, advertize for or post things from those sites. There are many reasons why we do not support groups like this and their admins. However, as always it is your choice.
Scam Hunters
The Dirt Farmer:
The Bulldog Estate:
Scam Sniper Blog: (Has Been Removed):
Scam sniper-group
The Faux Farmer (farmer brown):
The Faux Farmer- blog
Farmville Latest News:
fvmasters.blogspot.com: (WOT Closed it down)
Farmville world:
Farmville masters
We are a FUN fair farming group & and a scam fighting group, now not all scam fighters believe in being completely cheat- free or not using prohibited scripts because that will get your pages shut down for supporting 3rd party apps and websites that use tool bars and groups that send out fake gifts to the live feed. If you are resentful, hateful, nasty and disrespectful to others and other members, we will not support you either.
If their site's info is wrong 25% of the time, we will not support them. If 1/3 of their members are on or believe in cheating we will not support them. We have been doing this for a long time over 2 yrs. It is up to you where you get your info from, it is your choice who you have on your page and why, it is up to you, if you want to support groups that are wrong a lot and have more cheaters on them than some of the these sites. We cannot tell you to remove them from your page or to cut ties with such groups, we would just hope that you would.
We are a fun fair farming group that only wants to give and share our info and facts with other fun fair farmers that want to be scam free also.
There are now millions of places to get info and facts, but we are the only place you can come and get the same info and know it came from a good source and from ppl that are cheat free and support likeminded sites. Yes, we are very meticulous of whom we support because we care about our members and the game and the rules for it. We just do not add ppl for number's sake so we can have more members in our groups.
We only want the best of the best. Soon we will have all our stuff up and running from blogs to websites to support all of our groups. You will no longer need to get your info from sites and groups that do not believe in playing fair, having fun, being scam free and treating ppl with respect. We have told our members that we want to create a network of Fair Farmers, where all of your friends are Cheat-Free therefore all of their friends are Cheat-Free too. In that way, those kinds of ppl will be so far removed from us 3 or 4 friends deep.
The team leader and our admins have been working on this for over one yr, and we have done very well at it. It is a lot of work; it is terrible to have to delete a lot of ppl for using scripts & being disrespectful. You have to stand up for what you believe in and not compromise. If you believe in your farmer friends and their respective games come 1st, then stand with us.
We do have to give some props to some of these groups. Because sometimes they have very good info and do a lot of work for others, and put a lot of time into doing it, But you can get any info they have, if it is right, without liking them, joining them, or supporting them.
Just because you may be good at posting scams and know how to type does not make you a fun fair farmer, just because you may know how to write on a blog all "fancy like" does not make you cheat free. We believe in both and we are the only groups that do.
It is hard to find any one group or sites that are 100% cheat free and scam free in their beliefs and in their actions. We know this will upset some ppl, some will leave, and some will fight and some will be nasty. Please do so, so we will know who you are and can delete you.
We have deleted or blocked over 8000 ppl from our page and from our groups in search of only the best fun fair farmers that are 100% cheat free & scam free, a few more will not matter.
We are sorry fun fair farmers, we thought we were on the same path as Samuel Ortiz and his group , we have cut ties with him and his group Farmville Fan Support and all their admins. We are too far apart, on beliefs and what fair farming is all about. It is your choice to remove him and their group, but they will be removed from our groups and blogs. Just move on and move up, we will still look for other groups to support us in our cause and beliefs. 100% Scam Free & Cheat Free! Happy & Safe Farming!
We do not advocate any fighting with them or any drama, just move on and move up.
We will do our best to find other groups that we can join and support. We do not want any one posting things on their group or being nasty to them, let them do their thing and we will do ours, remember it is always your choice who you support and from where you get your info. We are a fun fair farming group that is cheat free and scam free and only supports others with those same beliefs.
We would like to thank all you for all your support in the fight to be cheat free and scam free. We are sorry to say, we feel that we have lead you down the wrong path, especially when we asked you to add Samuel Ortiz and his 2 groups.
Samuel Ortiz
Farmville fan support -group
Farmville fan support -page
We have cut ties with him and his groups and all his admins, for many reasons. We do not believe in supporting hate, bullying, or letting ppl target other ppl on our groups. We are just not on the same page when it comes to cheating or supporting groups that do. We are sorry, but we thought they would be a good fit for you and our groups, but after all the disrespectful things that was going on in his groups and they fact they will not remove the 300 cheaters from their group, we can no longer recommend them to you or your friends. We are a fair farming group and we feel the need to protect all our members from cheaters and being in a group that is full of them. We do not want them to add you or you to add them, so they can steal from you or worse hurt your computer. As always, it is your choice to support or have whom you want on your page.
If you need info or facts about Fair Farming or about scams, fake pages or upcoming items on Farmville and you're looking for others that have these same beliefs, then you can visit or join our other groups. You can get the same info based on facts and from groups and people that playing fair and being scam free comes 1st. Why would you ever want to get your info from cheaters or groups that support them?
These are our Scam Free & Cheat Free Groups:
ScamVille Group: Scam Alerts
The 4f group:
ScamVille Blog:
Friends For Fair Farming – Public Blog
Play fair – public group
ScamVille – Group on causes.com
Play fair – causes
Good Day Fair Farmer,
We just wanted to let you all know some facts. We ( Friends for Fair Farming, Play fair, Scamville and Our Respective Blogs ) will no longer be supporting, Post things from or adding friends that use cheat sites or blogs & groups that support cheating or groups that support spamming and any other groups that bully ppl, threaten ppl or don't know how to treat ppl with respect.
Below will be the start of our list, we will add as we go and when we have finished our reports and testing on the rest we will add to the list of groups we will not support or recommend.
FarmvilleFeed.com - http://www.facebook.com/FarmVilleFeed?sk=app_7146470109
They not only support cheating and cheat sites, they offer one on their Blog.
Use the link above to go to their Blog, Look at the top of their page in the menu bar and you will see a tab for Farmville cheats.
They are offering an auto collector to cheat in many Zynga games. This is a clear violation of Zynga’s TOS and Rules & Regulations.
Farmville freak has removed their old post about supporting fv bonus checkers. They no longer support the use of bonus checkers or any cheat site at this time.
We would like to let everyone know we have been in contact with the creator of Farmville freak. Angela has been very reasonable and at our request, she has removed the link that supports FV Bonus checkers. Below you will find the link to the old post. As you can see, it has been shut down and removed from their archive. This is how things are done the right way. She has handled this in a professional manor. That is why we will now take them off the list of groups we do not support.
We would like to thank everyone for their support and the admins that helped make this happen. As you, all know we are a fun fair farming group that will not support any one who supports cheating or cheat sites. If every other group would have handled this, in the same way that she did, we could have removed many more from the list that we don’t support. Most wanted to fight and be bullies and try to fight with everyone and threaten everyone, if they would have just acted like adults or men, then things could have been different but it took a woman to see straight and do right and understand why we did what we did and how to fix it. We do feel sad for the rest.
Good day and happy fair farming.
We all have a lot of people on FarmvilleFeed.com and we will give everyone some time to remove themselves, We will also be removing anyone if they are found on any cheat sites or blogs that cheat or support cheating.
It is always your choice if you want to be using 3rd party scripts, to enhance game play, or support people that use them. You all know we are a fair farming group and a scam free group and that we will remove people that want to keep their "enhancers" or support ppl that do or those sites. We would hope you all would just remove them both and move on and get your info from groups and pages that do not ignore Facebook's, Zynga's or any other gaming company's TOS rules and do not have scams or support them.
These blogs have turned to 3rd party apps to help their page, this will cause a lot of problems with everyone and many will want to fight and argue with them or our group.
Do yourself a favor, delete the cheating apps & cheating blogs from your page so we won't have to delete those that argue and complain because we will delete those people as well, we do not have time for drama or hate speech. We have done our homework and have our facts right. We just want to protect you and help you and as always play fair.
Here is a brief list of other sites we DO NOT support and we cannot recommend to you for many different reasons. We will have more and more details on all these sites, pages and blogs soon.
The list of sites & groups, that the 4f group, Scamville & the Play Fair will not support, post for, advertize for or post things from those sites. There are many reasons why we do not support groups like this and their admins. However, as always it is your choice.
Scam Hunters
The Dirt Farmer:
The Bulldog Estate:
Scam Sniper Blog: (Has Been Removed):
Scam sniper-group
The Faux Farmer (farmer brown):
The Faux Farmer- blog
Farmville Latest News:
fvmasters.blogspot.com: (WOT Closed it down)
Farmville world:
Farmville masters
We are a FUN fair farming group & and a scam fighting group, now not all scam fighters believe in being completely cheat- free or not using prohibited scripts because that will get your pages shut down for supporting 3rd party apps and websites that use tool bars and groups that send out fake gifts to the live feed. If you are resentful, hateful, nasty and disrespectful to others and other members, we will not support you either.
If their site's info is wrong 25% of the time, we will not support them. If 1/3 of their members are on or believe in cheating we will not support them. We have been doing this for a long time over 2 yrs. It is up to you where you get your info from, it is your choice who you have on your page and why, it is up to you, if you want to support groups that are wrong a lot and have more cheaters on them than some of the these sites. We cannot tell you to remove them from your page or to cut ties with such groups, we would just hope that you would.
We are a fun fair farming group that only wants to give and share our info and facts with other fun fair farmers that want to be scam free also.
There are now millions of places to get info and facts, but we are the only place you can come and get the same info and know it came from a good source and from ppl that are cheat free and support likeminded sites. Yes, we are very meticulous of whom we support because we care about our members and the game and the rules for it. We just do not add ppl for number's sake so we can have more members in our groups.
We only want the best of the best. Soon we will have all our stuff up and running from blogs to websites to support all of our groups. You will no longer need to get your info from sites and groups that do not believe in playing fair, having fun, being scam free and treating ppl with respect. We have told our members that we want to create a network of Fair Farmers, where all of your friends are Cheat-Free therefore all of their friends are Cheat-Free too. In that way, those kinds of ppl will be so far removed from us 3 or 4 friends deep.
The team leader and our admins have been working on this for over one yr, and we have done very well at it. It is a lot of work; it is terrible to have to delete a lot of ppl for using scripts & being disrespectful. You have to stand up for what you believe in and not compromise. If you believe in your farmer friends and their respective games come 1st, then stand with us.
We do have to give some props to some of these groups. Because sometimes they have very good info and do a lot of work for others, and put a lot of time into doing it, But you can get any info they have, if it is right, without liking them, joining them, or supporting them.
Just because you may be good at posting scams and know how to type does not make you a fun fair farmer, just because you may know how to write on a blog all "fancy like" does not make you cheat free. We believe in both and we are the only groups that do.
It is hard to find any one group or sites that are 100% cheat free and scam free in their beliefs and in their actions. We know this will upset some ppl, some will leave, and some will fight and some will be nasty. Please do so, so we will know who you are and can delete you.
We have deleted or blocked over 8000 ppl from our page and from our groups in search of only the best fun fair farmers that are 100% cheat free & scam free, a few more will not matter.
We are sorry fun fair farmers, we thought we were on the same path as Samuel Ortiz and his group , we have cut ties with him and his group Farmville Fan Support and all their admins. We are too far apart, on beliefs and what fair farming is all about. It is your choice to remove him and their group, but they will be removed from our groups and blogs. Just move on and move up, we will still look for other groups to support us in our cause and beliefs. 100% Scam Free & Cheat Free! Happy & Safe Farming!
We do not advocate any fighting with them or any drama, just move on and move up.
We will do our best to find other groups that we can join and support. We do not want any one posting things on their group or being nasty to them, let them do their thing and we will do ours, remember it is always your choice who you support and from where you get your info. We are a fun fair farming group that is cheat free and scam free and only supports others with those same beliefs.
We would like to thank all you for all your support in the fight to be cheat free and scam free. We are sorry to say, we feel that we have lead you down the wrong path, especially when we asked you to add Samuel Ortiz and his 2 groups.
Samuel Ortiz
Farmville fan support -group
Farmville fan support -page
We have cut ties with him and his groups and all his admins, for many reasons. We do not believe in supporting hate, bullying, or letting ppl target other ppl on our groups. We are just not on the same page when it comes to cheating or supporting groups that do. We are sorry, but we thought they would be a good fit for you and our groups, but after all the disrespectful things that was going on in his groups and they fact they will not remove the 300 cheaters from their group, we can no longer recommend them to you or your friends. We are a fair farming group and we feel the need to protect all our members from cheaters and being in a group that is full of them. We do not want them to add you or you to add them, so they can steal from you or worse hurt your computer. As always, it is your choice to support or have whom you want on your page.
If you need info or facts about Fair Farming or about scams, fake pages or upcoming items on Farmville and you're looking for others that have these same beliefs, then you can visit or join our other groups. You can get the same info based on facts and from groups and people that playing fair and being scam free comes 1st. Why would you ever want to get your info from cheaters or groups that support them?
These are our Scam Free & Cheat Free Groups:
ScamVille Group: Scam Alerts
The 4f group:
ScamVille Blog:
Friends For Fair Farming – Public Blog
Play fair – public group
ScamVille – Group on causes.com
Play fair – causes
Friday, May 20, 2011
I am sorry fun fair farmers I lead you down the wrong path.
I am sorry fun fair farmers, I thought we were on the same path as Samuel Ortiz and his group , we have cut ties with him and his group Farmville Fan Support and all their admins. We are just too far apart on beliefs and what fair farming is and how to deal with it. It is your choice to remove him and their group, but they all have been removed from our groups and Blogs. Just move on and move up, we will still look for other groups to support us in our cause and beliefs. 100% Scam Free & Cheat Free! Happy & Safe Farming!
I do not want any fighting with them or any drama, just move on and move up and we will do our best to find other groups that we can join and support.I don't want any one posting things on their group or being nasty to them, let them do their thing and we will do ours, Remember it is always your choice who you support and who you get your info from. We are a fun fair farming group that is cheat free and scam free and only supports others with those same beliefs.
I would like to thank all you for all your support in the fight to be cheat free and scam free. I am sorry to say That i have lead you down the wrong path when i ask you to add Samuel Ortiz and his 2 groups.
Samuel Ortiz
farmville fan support -group
farmville fan support -page
We have cut ties with him and his groups and all his admins for many reasons, we do not believe in supporting hate or bullying or letting ppl target other ppl on our groups. We are just not on the same page when it come to cheating or supporting groups that do.I am sorry but i thought they would be a good fit for you and our groups, but after all the disrespectful things that was going on in his groups and they fact they will not remove the 300 cheaters from their group, I can no longer recommend them to you or your friends. We are a fair farming group and i feel the need to protect all my members from cheaters and being in a group that is full of them, I don't want them to add you or you add them so they can steal from you or worse hurt your computer. So i am sad to say they have all been removed from my page and all of our groups they were in. Again I am sorry, As always it is your choice to support or have who you want on your page.
I do not want any fighting with them or any drama, just move on and move up and we will do our best to find other groups that we can join and support.I don't want any one posting things on their group or being nasty to them, let them do their thing and we will do ours, Remember it is always your choice who you support and who you get your info from. We are a fun fair farming group that is cheat free and scam free and only supports others with those same beliefs.
I would like to thank all you for all your support in the fight to be cheat free and scam free. I am sorry to say That i have lead you down the wrong path when i ask you to add Samuel Ortiz and his 2 groups.
Samuel Ortiz
farmville fan support -group
farmville fan support -page
We have cut ties with him and his groups and all his admins for many reasons, we do not believe in supporting hate or bullying or letting ppl target other ppl on our groups. We are just not on the same page when it come to cheating or supporting groups that do.I am sorry but i thought they would be a good fit for you and our groups, but after all the disrespectful things that was going on in his groups and they fact they will not remove the 300 cheaters from their group, I can no longer recommend them to you or your friends. We are a fair farming group and i feel the need to protect all my members from cheaters and being in a group that is full of them, I don't want them to add you or you add them so they can steal from you or worse hurt your computer. So i am sad to say they have all been removed from my page and all of our groups they were in. Again I am sorry, As always it is your choice to support or have who you want on your page.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
FaceBook Virus Alert..Verify My Account Virus.
Verify My Account Virus.
In the past hour a new application has begun spreading on Facebook which has found an exploit in the existing sharing system. Whatever you do, don’t click the link described below.The system is pretty straight forward. It suggests that you click “VERIFY MY ACCOUNT” within a link which ultimately results in the user posting the same message to all their friends’ walls. The message typically resembles the following one:
In order to PREVENT SPAM, I ask that you VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT. Click VERIFY MY ACCOUNT right next to comment below to start the process…
The result is that thousands of users have seen the message spreading to their profiles in the past hour or so. Our guess is that this message could reach hundreds of thousands of users before it’s shut down (unless Facebook’s security team is up right now). The bottom line is this: don’t click any of the links resembling the ones pictured below. Have you seen this spreading on your profile? From AllFaceBook.
From sophos.
If you're seeing Facebook messages asking you to "do your part in PREVENTING SPAM by VERIFYING YOUR ACCOUNT," don't do so - you'd be creating spam, not stopping it!The messages look something like this:
The scammers have replaced the "Share" option with a link labelled "== VERIFY MY ACCOUNT ==". Clicking this not only activates the Share option (which you no longer realise you're pressing), but also invokes a raft of heavily obfuscated JavaScript from a site in the .info domain. (This site is blocked by the web protection software in Sophos's endpoint and web gateway products.)
With all the unexpected Sharing going on, this message has spread like wild-fire. Instead of preventing spam, this particular campaign has been generating it at astonishing rates.
The good news is that Facebook seems to have taken some action to prevent the "Share" button being replaced in these messages. Since a few minutes ago, malicious messages appear with no links at all, like this:
The lessons to be learned from this outbreak of spam are as follows:
* Assume that messages which ask you to verify your account by clicking on a link are false. You wouldn't (I hope) click on links in emails which claimed to come from your bank trying to panic you about your account. That would be a classic phishing scam using a false site to steal your username and password. So don't trust that sort of link on Facebook, either.
* When you take some action on Facebook which doesn't deliver what was promised - for example, if you end up Sharing or Liking something you didn't intend to, or if you click through to an offer or competition which suddenly morphs into something completely different (a bait-and-switch) - assume you have been tricked. Review the side-effects of your actions. Remove any applications you may trustingly have accepted; unlike things you didn't mean to like; and delete posts you didn't intend to make.
* Be wary of unexpected changes to Facebook's interface for Liking, Commenting, Sharing and so forth. Unfortunately, the nature of social networking sites is that they like to undergo rapid change. Cybercrooks exploit this by assuming that you accept ongoing changes as "part of how things work". Don't do so. If you see something different, check with an official source to see if it's expected or not.
If sufficiently many Facebook users dig their heels in every time Facebook makes a gratuitous or confusing change in its interface, its privacy settings or its feature set, then it's possible that Facebook will learn to adapt in ways which best suit the privacy and safety of its users, instead of adapting to improve its traffic and benefit its paying customers.
(Remember that as a Facebook user, you aren't a customer. You're effectively an informal employee, paid not in cash but in kind. Your "wage" is free access to the Facebook system. Your clicks generate the value for which Facebook can charge its customers - the advertisers who benefit from the fact that you use the network at all. Don't sell yourself short.)
How to Report a malicious link or website that you get sent in chat or to your inbox or posted to your wall.
You can also go to the ScamVille group
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Zynga's Storage Revamp Guide
The Storage Revamp Guide
Zyna is revamping this feature today so please don't be alarmed if you don't have it yet--you will soon!The storage system (which includes Storage Cellars and the barns if you’re still using them) has been revamped to feature a new, searchable interface, tabs for both your Home and English Countryside farms, and filters to easily sort your inventory. Check it out!
You’ll be able to see your revamped storage system by visiting your Storage Cellar or Barn, clicking on “Look Inside” and selecting the “Inventory” button:
You can see buttons for both your Home Farm and your English Farm; clicking on one will automatically bring up your inventory for that farm (you no longer have to travel between farms to see the inventory for it). At the upper left you can see numbers for the maximum size of your storage as well as how much you have in your inventory currently.
You’ll also see a row of buttons showing the filters you can sort your inventory with: All, Trees, Animals, Buildings and Decorations. (Note that the ability to store Trees and Animals is not available yet and is coming soon!)
Below that you’ll see what’s in your inventory. Each “page” shows up to six entries; if you have more, you can click on the right or left arrow buttons on either side of the window to quickly navigate your way through your storage inventory. Or if you know exactly what you’re looking for, just type it in into the Search box at the upper right by clicking on it, then typing what you’re looking for:
Clicking on “Expand Storage” at the bottom will bring you to the Inventory Expansion page, where you’ll see the usual options to expand your barns or upgrade your Cellar using Shovels.
You can also go to the 4f group for more info.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Flashers Are back
It looks like zynga has brought back the Flashing sheep already!!!!!!!!!
If you still have all your Flashers you will be able to now breed them Today or Tomorrow.
Good luck and Happy farming.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Zynga is continuing to ban players for using bot’s and Auto Collectors
Zynga is continuing to ban players for using bot’s and Auto Collectors. In the pasted few days zynga have banned 1000’s and 1000’s of player for cheating. For all of us that love the game and want to play it fair, We couldn’t be happier. We at the 4f group have been fighting to get many of these sites shut down for over a yr. I would like to thank all of our members for your time and efforts in reporting this cheat sites. Here are a few sites and links for you to read to show you that zynga is on the hunt for cheaters.
Zynga's policy on Bot's and 3rd party appsthat use scripts.
FB-Farmville Cheats- Ban you from zynga.
Stop Banning People for False Violations
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Another Note About Sheep and Pig Breeding Zynga Updates..
Howdy everyone!
Well yesterday's announcement sure caused a bit of commotion. We do understand your point of view, and we don't want you to feel like those pigs and sheep you claimed from your feed, spent bottles to grow and and then bred more with love potions and more bottles, are all going to waste.
Tonight we'll be adding two rams into the Market with official patterns: a white starred ram and a white camo ram. Unfortunately we wound up blocking the "hooded" pattern (which you get from Brutus the Ram) the other day and we'll be putting that back in tonight too.
So yes, all three of these patterns will be now allowed, meaning that after we update tonight you can breed with those patterns if you have them on your farm. Purchase is not required if you already have animals with those patterns to breed those patterns. And of course you can buy the two rams mentioned above from the Market and breed with them too. Note that the so-called "eye-patch" or "patch" pattern is not an official pattern and may not ever be one since it's a bit messed up. New pig patterns may not be available for a bit longer.
In the near future we'll be putting forth brand new patterns as well as colors (including the "flasher" color, which you may see soonish). This will also accompany a bit of a re-vamp about breeding and how it works so it's a bit more robust and fun, though that's a wee bit further down the road.
We're also investigating claims about getting all of one color (notably white) for completely allowed animals, complaints that generally center around FC rams and ewes. So far using various combinations we haven't reproduced a combination that has generated all whites all the time, though we have seen some other oddities that are under continued investigation.
Finally, there may be some clarification needed regarding breeding and pattern inheritance as it stands today:
Well yesterday's announcement sure caused a bit of commotion. We do understand your point of view, and we don't want you to feel like those pigs and sheep you claimed from your feed, spent bottles to grow and and then bred more with love potions and more bottles, are all going to waste.
Tonight we'll be adding two rams into the Market with official patterns: a white starred ram and a white camo ram. Unfortunately we wound up blocking the "hooded" pattern (which you get from Brutus the Ram) the other day and we'll be putting that back in tonight too.
So yes, all three of these patterns will be now allowed, meaning that after we update tonight you can breed with those patterns if you have them on your farm. Purchase is not required if you already have animals with those patterns to breed those patterns. And of course you can buy the two rams mentioned above from the Market and breed with them too. Note that the so-called "eye-patch" or "patch" pattern is not an official pattern and may not ever be one since it's a bit messed up. New pig patterns may not be available for a bit longer.
In the near future we'll be putting forth brand new patterns as well as colors (including the "flasher" color, which you may see soonish). This will also accompany a bit of a re-vamp about breeding and how it works so it's a bit more robust and fun, though that's a wee bit further down the road.
We're also investigating claims about getting all of one color (notably white) for completely allowed animals, complaints that generally center around FC rams and ewes. So far using various combinations we haven't reproduced a combination that has generated all whites all the time, though we have seen some other oddities that are under continued investigation.
Finally, there may be some clarification needed regarding breeding and pattern inheritance as it stands today:
- If the patterns of the parents do not match, there is a chance that the offspring will inherit the father’s pattern.
- If the patterns of the parents do match, the chance of inheriting that pattern is greatly enhanced.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
A Note About Sheep and Pig Breeding from Zynga
Howdy farmers!
We wanted to give an update to everyone regarding certain kinds of disallowed sheep that have been available in FarmVille as well as a similar issue that appeared with pigs this past weekend. Certain types of sheep and pig colors/patterns not yet released have been improperly distributed in FarmVille; we are currently going through the process of making sure this practice stops.
We wanted to give an update to everyone regarding certain kinds of disallowed sheep that have been available in FarmVille as well as a similar issue that appeared with pigs this past weekend. Certain types of sheep and pig colors/patterns not yet released have been improperly distributed in FarmVille; we are currently going through the process of making sure this practice stops.
The steps that we have taken are:
* The methods by which players were able to breed unreleased sheep and pig colors and patterns have been closed.
* Players who bred sheep and pigs using illicit methods have had their animals revert to their original base colors and no patterns.
* Pigs and sheep acquired from feed posts (but at some point were generated using illicit methods) will get to retain their unusual colors and patterns. However, attempts to breed with these pigs or sheep will result in default colors and no additional pattern inheritance. Should we release these additional colors or patterns legitimately then players will be able to breed that animal in the appropriate, correct manner. This is not an implication that you or your neighbors have done something wrong. This is a breeding restriction of colors and patterns that as of yet have not intended to be released.
* Players who bred sheep and pigs using illicit methods have had their animals revert to their original base colors and no patterns.
* Pigs and sheep acquired from feed posts (but at some point were generated using illicit methods) will get to retain their unusual colors and patterns. However, attempts to breed with these pigs or sheep will result in default colors and no additional pattern inheritance. Should we release these additional colors or patterns legitimately then players will be able to breed that animal in the appropriate, correct manner. This is not an implication that you or your neighbors have done something wrong. This is a breeding restriction of colors and patterns that as of yet have not intended to be released.
So what’s currently allowed to breed and what's not?
* Most current colors are allowed but the “flashing” colors are definitely not.
* Currently Allowed Sheep Patterns: Plain, Spotted, Striped
* Currently Alllowed Pig Patterns: Plain, Spotted
* Currently Alllowed Pig Patterns: Plain, Spotted
Again, the intention is to stop the distribution of colors and patterns that are not currently intended but not to punish our players who have acquired these animals legitimately. When we do release these colors or patterns, you’ll be able to breed with them just as intended.
Happy farming!
ScamVille – Group Semi Public
A place to come to find all latest Scams for all the games you play. It is our hope to put a stop to all the fake applications and sites that offer you some thing for nothing. We will post Scams, viruses, fake pages and applications. We want to be able to inform you of these before you click on them and hurt you computer and friends.Friends For Fair Farming – Public page
ScamVille – Causes,com
http://www.causes.com/causes/605182ScamVille - Blog
A place to come to find all latest Scams for all the games you play. It is our hope to put a stop to all the fake applications and sites that offer you some thing for nothing. We will post Scams, viruses, fake pages and applications. We want to be able to inform you of these before you click on them and hurt you computer and friends.
Play Fair – Group semi Public
Friends For Fair... Farming – Blog
Play Fair – Causes.com
ScamVille – Picture Badge
Say NO! to Gamers Unite! – Group Public – WE support
Friday, April 22, 2011
Please come show your support to be scam free. On may 13th by changing your profile picture. You can RSVP and then invite all your friends at one time.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
New FarmVille Gift box Make Over.
New FarmVille Gift box Make Over. Zynga is starting to roll out the new Gift box ,If you have not
yours yet it is coming today and tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Welcome Fair Farmers
Welcome to our new Blog for 4f Friends For Fair Farmering. We thank you for your support and helping every one to be cheat free. It will take me some time to set this up and get it looking good and to make it ez to use for every one. We want to help you and all your friends with cheat sites and 3rd party apps.We look fw to supplying you with the most up to date info and facts. Until we have this up and running you can visit and join our other groups and causes for Fair Farming following the links below.We want to help you find new fun fair farmers and bring all non cheaters together,If you need to replace farmers you had to delete for cheating then plz visit our other groups to find fair farmers.
Friends For Fair Farming – Public page
Friends For Fair Farming- Causes.com
ScamVille – Group Semi Public
ScamVille – Causes,com
ScamVille - Blog
ScamVille – Picture Badge
Friends For Fair Farming – Public page
Friends For Fair Farming- Causes.com
ScamVille – Group Semi Public
ScamVille – Causes,com
ScamVille - Blog
ScamVille – Picture Badge
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I just updated with a few links and facts on clickjacking and why you should remove old and unwanted apps
How to tell if posted gifts are real and from the games you play!!!!!!!!!!!
I need your help zynga game players,if you play other games from zynga all listed inside this note can you please help me with getting the numbers for all the other games i don't play.
http://www.facebook.com/notes/joey-olive/how-to-tell-if-posted-gifts-are-real-and-from-the-games-you-play/195544487134518Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Links On 3rd Party Applications & How To Remove Them **Updated 3/06/2011**
Here is a current list of applications that you and your friends should be aware of. If you want to be a part of these applications, that is your choice, just as it is someone else’s choice not to play with these applications and therefore remove those who do from their friend/neighbor list.
Is this just a game, YES? but so are golf & card games. Would you want to play with people who ignore the rules to give themselves an advantage? A little nudge of the golf ball here, a quick peek at other players cards. These aren't against the law, but they are hardly the behavior of people many would choose to call friends.
Do the 3rd party programs make it easy for you to get stuff? Probably YES. But by using them, does it totally comply with the game rules that the creator made? "Definitely not" (please see Zynga's TOS rules)
(The use of "Bot" Programs or 3rd party scripts that automatically perform actions on your computer, whether in a game or on a website, is strictly prohibited.) What part of this is not understood?
READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE for you to decide..
Please keep in mind that these 'links' are NOT 100% ACCURATE! If the links take you to your homepage, do not worry, this just means that it has been shut down by Facebook, we can only hope its permanent. So please check these links often, unless you really don't trust that person's game play.
With this information, it is left for you to decide. Using the links below should give you the needed information of who is on your page is on or using theses sites. It is up to you to make your own choices of who you want to play with in your game time.
1. - Gamers Unite:
1.A - Application page- http://www.facebook.com/GamersUniteFans?ref=mf
2. - Game Scrubber:
3. - Speed FW Bonus:
4. - All Game Bonus Checker (Freeder):
5. - Streamers:
7. - Gamehelpers helper:
8. -Game Bonus Collector:
9. -Baking Life bonus checker:
10. -BeJeweled Blitz bonus checker:
11. -Bola bonus checker:
12. -Cafe World Bonus Checker:
13.- Car Town bonus checker:
14. -City of Wonder bonus checker:
15. - Country Life bonus checker:
16. -Family Feud bonus checker:
17. -Farm Town Bonus Checker:
18. - Farmville Bonus Checker #1:
19. -Farmville Masters:
20. - Farmville gift exchange:
-application page http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=111828895507248&v=info#!/apps/application.php?id=111828895507248&v=wall
21. -FIFA Superstars bonus checkers:
22. - Fishville bonus checker:
23. -Fishworld bonus checker:
24. -FrontierVille Bonus Checker #1:
25.(A) -Frontier Bonus checker #2:
25.(B)- Frontier Ville Bonus: ** ADDED 3/06/2011**
26. - Happy Aquarium bonus checker:
27. -Happy Island bonus checker:
28. -Happy Pets bonus checker:
29. -Hello City:
30.-Hotel City bonus checker:
31. - Island Paradise bonus checker:
32. -IT Girl bonus checker:
33. -Kingdoms of Camelot bonus checker:
34. - Mafia War Bonus Checker:
35. -Mall World bonus checker:
36. -Market Street bonus checker :
37. -Millionaire City bonus checker:
38. -My Empire bonus checker :
39. -NightClub City bonus checker:
40. -Ninja Saga bonus checker:
41. - Pet society bonus checker http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=245506374012&v=info&ref=sgm
42. -PetVille Bonus checkers:
43. -Pirates Ahoy bonus checker:
44. - Restaurant City bonus checker:
45. -Social City bonus checker:
46. -Sorority Life bonus checker:
47. -Texas Hold ‘em Poker bonus checker:
48. -Treasure Island Bonus Checkers:
49. -Vampire Wars bonus checker:
50. -YoVille bonus checker:
51. -Zoo World Bonus Checker:
52.-CityVille Bonus Checker:
53. Mafia Wars Cheater:
54. Backyard Monsters bonus checker:
55. Café Life bonus checker:
56. Castle Age bonus checker:
57. Country Story bonus checker:
58. Fashion World bonus checker:
59. MMA Pro Fighter Bonus checker:
60. Monster World bonus checker:
61. Resort World bonus checker:
62. Tiki Resort bonus checker:
63. Wild Ones bonus checker:
64. Massive Bonus Checker:
65. Treasure Madness Bonus Checker :
66. Game Friend Finder:
67. Ravenwood Fair Bonus Checker:
68. FrontierVille Bonus Collector:
69. Ninga Saga Bonus Collector:
70. City Of Wonder Bonus Collector:
71. PetVille Bonus Collector:
72. Baking Life Bonus Collector:
73. Widdly Gifts:
74. Cafe World Bonus Collector:
75. BonusBuddy:
76. It Girl Bonus Finder:
77. PetVille Bonus Finder:
78. Zoo World Bonus Finder:
79. Cafe World Bonus Finder:
80. Treasure Isle Bonus Finder:
81. Farmville Bonus Finder:
82. Hotel City Bonus Finder:
83. FrontierVille Bonus Finder:
84. Bonus Collector:
85. Homepage Filters:
86.This page supports cheating, Farmville World:
87. Mafia Wars Cheat Blog-Mafia Wars Loot Lady: **Added 2/27/11
88.(A) Watch For Your MAFIA!! 2 Sites:
88.(B)-Mafia Wars Disabled Forum:
89.-Spockholm Mafia Tools:**Added 2/27/11
90. CafeWorld Bonus-Speed CW:
91. City Bonus Checker:
92. Frontier Bonus:
93. Social City Bonus Collector:(May have been perm. shut down)
94. CafeWorld Bonus-Speed CW:
95. Cafe World Gift App:
96. Treasure Win:(from the makers of Speeder):
97. TheFacebookInsider:
98. Social Bonus:
99. Bonus Checker Classic: **Added 2/27/11
100. ESPN U College Town Bonus Checker: **Added 2/27/11
101. FarmVille Bonus Collector(By S. Chris) **Added2/27/11
102. Warstorm Bonus Checker: (By X. Derry)**Added 2/27/11
103. Zoo Paradise Bonus Checker: (By. X. Derry)**Added 2/27/11
104. Crime City Bonus Checker:
1. Farm Bonuses:
2. Cafe Bonuses:
3. Frontier Bonuses:
4. Treasure Bonuses:
5. Zoo Bonuses:
6. City Bonuses:
7. Mafia Bonuses:
8. It Girl Bonuses:
9. Ravenwood Bonuses:
10.Mall World Bonuses:
11. Evony Bonuses:
12.Wonder Bonuses:
13.-PS Mafia Wars Autoplayer:
14. Mafia Wars Bots:
15. Crime Bonuses: **Added 2/27/11
16. Millionaire Bonuses:
17. Ninja Bonuses:
**Google Chrome Extension Toolbar**
Web Site:
1. FV Extender:(Facebook Fan Page)
**Added 2/27/11**
Web Site: GameMaster:Friendly Game Simplifier:
1. FGS:(Facebook Fan Page)
Thanks to you and the 4f groups and all the other play fair groups and their members for reporting prohibited sites, we have helped get these sites shut down.
1. FV Feed Filter:
2. Farmville Collector Application Detector #4:
3. Frontierville Bonus checker 2:
4. Farm Town Bonus Checker # 2 :
5. Farmville cheats and gamemanager:
6. FV assist:
7. MAFIA WARS Open Looted Weapon UNLOCK ALL!!:
8. -Zoo Paradise bonus checker:
9. -Truecheaters:
10.-Real farm Gifts:
11.- Social City Bonus Collector:
12.- Social Bonus:
13. Farmville Hacking:
THIS IS A LIST OF ZYNGA APPROVED SITES, Is your helper program here? If the answer is NO. Then it is not approved by Zynga or FarmVille! toolbar.zynga is the ONLY approved toolbar. Why? Simply because it's their game & they set the rules.
FarmVille.com: http://www.farmville.com/
FarmVille on MSN.com: http://zone.msn.com/en/farmville/farmville.aspx
FarmVille Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/FarmVille?ref=ts
FarmVille Forums: http://forums.zynga.com/forumdisplay.php?f=91
FarmVille Twitter: http://twitter.com/zfarmville
FarmVille Podcast: http://www.youtube.com/user/ZyngaFarmVille
FarmVille Game Bar: http://toolbar.zynga.com/install/farmville
Shop FarmVille: http://www.zazzle.com/farmville
READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE for you to decide..
If you are having problems finding and removing some apps, please read below this may help some of you. But not all they are many ways to get rid of these. Most of you will be stunned to see how many apps you really have that is on your page.
For all of you that keep saying you are not on these apps or don’t know how to remove them, or have looked in your apps and you can’t find it. Please. Go to your Account> Privacy Settings>(lower left side) Application Settings Edit>Edit, then scroll through until you find the 3rd party app. You should also delete all the apps you are not using while you are there; some are not good to have on your page, esp. SCAM Pages that take ALL your info.
This Link is also a Short Cut to your Apps.:
This Note and link page is neither endorsed, nor sponsored by, nor affiliated with Zynga, Facebook, or any other gaming company. All original photos, images and articles are copyright to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended. Where possible the appropriate credit is given. Due to image alterations ownership of many images can not be verified. Where ownership is known credit is as given. This is for information purpose only, It is up to the users to choose who they want to play they games with. We don’t advocate bullying or treating any users of any these sites or apps. If you choose to delete users from your page for using any 3rd party applications or snag bars or bonus checkers you do so at your will.
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