Saturday, April 30, 2011

Flashers Are back

It looks like zynga has brought back the Flashing sheep already!!!!!!!!!

If you still have all your Flashers you will be able to now breed them Today or Tomorrow.
Good luck and Happy farming.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Zynga is continuing to ban players for using bot’s and Auto Collectors

Zynga is continuing to ban players for using bot’s and Auto Collectors. In the pasted few days zynga have banned 1000’s and 1000’s of player for cheating. For all of us that love the game and want to play it fair, We couldn’t be happier. We at the 4f group have been fighting to get many of these sites shut down for over a yr. I would like to thank all of our members for your time and efforts in reporting this cheat sites. Here are a few sites and links for you to read to show you that zynga is on the hunt for cheaters.


Zynga's policy on Bot's and 3rd party appsthat use scripts.

Facts from zynga- Subject/Topics: HACKS, BOTS, AND CHEATS

Stop Banning People for False Violations

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Another Note About Sheep and Pig Breeding Zynga Updates..

Howdy everyone!

Well yesterday's announcement sure caused a bit of commotion. We do understand your point of view, and we don't want you to feel like those pigs and sheep you claimed from your feed, spent bottles to grow and and then bred more with love potions and more bottles, are all going to waste.

Tonight we'll be adding two rams into the Market with official patterns: a white starred ram and a white camo ram. Unfortunately we wound up blocking the "hooded" pattern (which you get from Brutus the Ram) the other day and we'll be putting that back in tonight too.

So yes, all three of these patterns will be now allowed, meaning that after we update tonight you can breed with those patterns if you have them on your farm. Purchase is not required if you already have animals with those patterns to breed those patterns. And of course you can buy the two rams mentioned above from the Market and breed with them too. Note that the so-called "eye-patch" or "patch" pattern is not an official pattern and may not ever be one since it's a bit messed up. New pig patterns may not be available for a bit longer.

In the near future we'll be putting forth brand new patterns as well as colors (including the "flasher" color, which you may see soonish). This will also accompany a bit of a re-vamp about breeding and how it works so it's a bit more robust and fun, though that's a wee bit further down the road.

We're also investigating claims about getting all of one color (notably white) for completely allowed animals, complaints that generally center around FC rams and ewes. So far using various combinations we haven't reproduced a combination that has generated all whites all the time, though we have seen some other oddities that are under continued investigation.

Finally, there may be some clarification needed regarding breeding and pattern inheritance as it stands today:
  • If the patterns of the parents do not match, there is a chance that the offspring will inherit the father’s pattern.
  • If the patterns of the parents do match, the chance of inheriting that pattern is greatly enhanced.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Note About Sheep and Pig Breeding from Zynga

Howdy farmers!

We wanted to give an update to everyone regarding certain kinds of disallowed sheep that have been available in FarmVille as well as a similar issue that appeared with pigs this past weekend. Certain types of sheep and pig colors/patterns not yet released have been improperly distributed in FarmVille; we are currently going through the process of making sure this practice stops.
The steps that we have taken are:
* The methods by which players were able to breed unreleased sheep and pig colors and patterns have been closed.
* Players who bred sheep and pigs using illicit methods have had their animals revert to their original base colors and no patterns.
* Pigs and sheep acquired from feed posts (but at some point were generated using illicit methods) will get to retain their unusual colors and patterns. However, attempts to breed with these pigs or sheep will result in default colors and no additional pattern inheritance. Should we release these additional colors or patterns legitimately then players will be able to breed that animal in the appropriate, correct manner. This is not an implication that you or your neighbors have done something wrong. This is a breeding restriction of colors and patterns that as of yet have not intended to be released.

So what’s currently allowed to breed and what's not?
* Most current colors are allowed but the “flashing” colors are definitely not.
* Currently Allowed Sheep Patterns: Plain, Spotted, Striped
* Currently Alllowed Pig Patterns: Plain, Spotted
Again, the intention is to stop the distribution of colors and patterns that are not currently intended but not to punish our players who have acquired these animals legitimately. When we do release these colors or patterns, you’ll be able to breed with them just as intended.

Happy farming!


ScamVille – Group Semi Public

A place to come to find all latest Scams for all the games you play. It is our hope to put a stop to all the fake applications and sites that offer you some thing for nothing. We will post Scams, viruses, fake pages and applications. We want to be able to inform you of these before you click on them and hurt you computer and friends.

Friends For Fair Farming – Public page

A place for players who believe the use of bots, snag bars & bonus checkers/collectors is wrong. We will also soon have a “add me” section where you will be able to find like minded players

ScamVille – Causes,com

ScamVille - Blog
A place to come to find all latest Scams for all the games you play. It is our hope to put a stop to all the fake applications and sites that offer you some thing for nothing. We will post Scams, viruses, fake pages and applications. We want to be able to inform you of these before you click on them and hurt you computer and friends.

Play Fair – Group semi Public



Friends For Fair... Farming – Blog

Play Fair –

ScamVille – Picture Badge

Say NO! to Gamers Unite! – Group Public – WE support



FarmVille Podcast - April 25th

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One little piggie, two little piggie three

Add caption
Farmville is now starting to roll out pig breeding

New FarmVille Gift box Make Over.

New FarmVille Gift box Make Over. Zynga is starting to roll out the new Gift box ,If you have not
yours yet it is coming today and tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Welcome Fair Farmers

Welcome to our new Blog for 4f Friends For Fair Farmering. We thank you for your support and helping every one to be cheat free. It will take me some time to set this up and get it looking good and to make it ez to use for every one. We want to help you and all your friends with cheat sites and 3rd party apps.We look fw to supplying you with the most up to date info and facts. Until we have this up and running you can visit and join our other groups and causes for Fair Farming following the links below.We want to help you find new fun fair farmers and bring all non cheaters together,If you need to replace farmers you had to delete for cheating then plz visit our other groups to find fair farmers.

Friends For Fair Farming – Public page

Friends For Fair Farming-

ScamVille – Group Semi Public

ScamVille – Causes,com

ScamVille - Blog

ScamVille – Picture Badge