Good Day Fair Farmer,
We just wanted to let you all know some facts. We ( Friends for Fair Farming, Play fair, Scamville and Our Respective Blogs ) will no longer be supporting, Post things from or adding friends that use cheat sites or blogs & groups that support cheating or groups that support spamming and any other groups that bully ppl, threaten ppl or don't know how to treat ppl with respect.
Below will be the start of our list, we will add as we go and when we have finished our reports and testing on the rest we will add to the list of groups we will not support or recommend. -
They not only support cheating and cheat sites, they offer one on their Blog.
Use the link above to go to their Blog, Look at the top of their page in the menu bar and you will see a tab for Farmville cheats.
They are offering an auto collector to cheat in many Zynga games. This is a clear violation of Zynga’s TOS and Rules & Regulations.
Farmville freak has removed their old post about supporting fv bonus checkers. They no longer support the use of bonus checkers or any cheat site at this time.
We would like to let everyone know we have been in contact with the creator of Farmville freak. Angela has been very reasonable and at our request, she has removed the link that supports FV Bonus checkers. Below you will find the link to the old post. As you can see, it has been shut down and removed from their archive. This is how things are done the right way. She has handled this in a professional manor. That is why we will now take them off the list of groups we do not support.
We would like to thank everyone for their support and the admins that helped make this happen. As you, all know we are a fun fair farming group that will not support any one who supports cheating or cheat sites. If every other group would have handled this, in the same way that she did, we could have removed many more from the list that we don’t support. Most wanted to fight and be bullies and try to fight with everyone and threaten everyone, if they would have just acted like adults or men, then things could have been different but it took a woman to see straight and do right and understand why we did what we did and how to fix it. We do feel sad for the rest.
Good day and happy fair farming.
We all have a lot of people on and we will give everyone some time to remove themselves, We will also be removing anyone if they are found on any cheat sites or blogs that cheat or support cheating.
It is always your choice if you want to be using 3rd party scripts, to enhance game play, or support people that use them. You all know we are a fair farming group and a scam free group and that we will remove people that want to keep their "enhancers" or support ppl that do or those sites. We would hope you all would just remove them both and move on and get your info from groups and pages that do not ignore Facebook's, Zynga's or any other gaming company's TOS rules and do not have scams or support them.
These blogs have turned to 3rd party apps to help their page, this will cause a lot of problems with everyone and many will want to fight and argue with them or our group.
Do yourself a favor, delete the cheating apps & cheating blogs from your page so we won't have to delete those that argue and complain because we will delete those people as well, we do not have time for drama or hate speech. We have done our homework and have our facts right. We just want to protect you and help you and as always play fair.
Here is a brief list of other sites we DO NOT support and we cannot recommend to you for many different reasons. We will have more and more details on all these sites, pages and blogs soon.
The list of sites & groups, that the 4f group, Scamville & the Play Fair will not support, post for, advertize for or post things from those sites. There are many reasons why we do not support groups like this and their admins. However, as always it is your choice.
Scam Hunters
The Dirt Farmer:
The Bulldog Estate:
Scam Sniper Blog: (Has Been Removed):
Scam sniper-group
The Faux Farmer (farmer brown):
The Faux Farmer- blog
Farmville Latest News:
farmville-latest-news.blogspot: (WOT Closed it down)
Farmville world:
Farmville masters
We are a FUN fair farming group & and a scam fighting group, now not all scam fighters believe in being completely cheat- free or not using prohibited scripts because that will get your pages shut down for supporting 3rd party apps and websites that use tool bars and groups that send out fake gifts to the live feed. If you are resentful, hateful, nasty and disrespectful to others and other members, we will not support you either.
If their site's info is wrong 25% of the time, we will not support them. If 1/3 of their members are on or believe in cheating we will not support them. We have been doing this for a long time over 2 yrs. It is up to you where you get your info from, it is your choice who you have on your page and why, it is up to you, if you want to support groups that are wrong a lot and have more cheaters on them than some of the these sites. We cannot tell you to remove them from your page or to cut ties with such groups, we would just hope that you would.
We are a fun fair farming group that only wants to give and share our info and facts with other fun fair farmers that want to be scam free also.
There are now millions of places to get info and facts, but we are the only place you can come and get the same info and know it came from a good source and from ppl that are cheat free and support likeminded sites. Yes, we are very meticulous of whom we support because we care about our members and the game and the rules for it. We just do not add ppl for number's sake so we can have more members in our groups.
We only want the best of the best. Soon we will have all our stuff up and running from blogs to websites to support all of our groups. You will no longer need to get your info from sites and groups that do not believe in playing fair, having fun, being scam free and treating ppl with respect. We have told our members that we want to create a network of Fair Farmers, where all of your friends are Cheat-Free therefore all of their friends are Cheat-Free too. In that way, those kinds of ppl will be so far removed from us 3 or 4 friends deep.
The team leader and our admins have been working on this for over one yr, and we have done very well at it. It is a lot of work; it is terrible to have to delete a lot of ppl for using scripts & being disrespectful. You have to stand up for what you believe in and not compromise. If you believe in your farmer friends and their respective games come 1st, then stand with us.
We do have to give some props to some of these groups. Because sometimes they have very good info and do a lot of work for others, and put a lot of time into doing it, But you can get any info they have, if it is right, without liking them, joining them, or supporting them.
Just because you may be good at posting scams and know how to type does not make you a fun fair farmer, just because you may know how to write on a blog all "fancy like" does not make you cheat free. We believe in both and we are the only groups that do.
It is hard to find any one group or sites that are 100% cheat free and scam free in their beliefs and in their actions. We know this will upset some ppl, some will leave, and some will fight and some will be nasty. Please do so, so we will know who you are and can delete you.
We have deleted or blocked over 8000 ppl from our page and from our groups in search of only the best fun fair farmers that are 100% cheat free & scam free, a few more will not matter.
We are sorry fun fair farmers, we thought we were on the same path as Samuel Ortiz and his group , we have cut ties with him and his group Farmville Fan Support and all their admins. We are too far apart, on beliefs and what fair farming is all about. It is your choice to remove him and their group, but they will be removed from our groups and blogs. Just move on and move up, we will still look for other groups to support us in our cause and beliefs. 100% Scam Free & Cheat Free! Happy & Safe Farming!
We do not advocate any fighting with them or any drama, just move on and move up.
We will do our best to find other groups that we can join and support. We do not want any one posting things on their group or being nasty to them, let them do their thing and we will do ours, remember it is always your choice who you support and from where you get your info. We are a fun fair farming group that is cheat free and scam free and only supports others with those same beliefs.
We would like to thank all you for all your support in the fight to be cheat free and scam free. We are sorry to say, we feel that we have lead you down the wrong path, especially when we asked you to add Samuel Ortiz and his 2 groups.
Samuel Ortiz
Farmville fan support -group
Farmville fan support -page
We have cut ties with him and his groups and all his admins, for many reasons. We do not believe in supporting hate, bullying, or letting ppl target other ppl on our groups. We are just not on the same page when it comes to cheating or supporting groups that do. We are sorry, but we thought they would be a good fit for you and our groups, but after all the disrespectful things that was going on in his groups and they fact they will not remove the 300 cheaters from their group, we can no longer recommend them to you or your friends. We are a fair farming group and we feel the need to protect all our members from cheaters and being in a group that is full of them. We do not want them to add you or you to add them, so they can steal from you or worse hurt your computer. As always, it is your choice to support or have whom you want on your page.
If you need info or facts about Fair Farming or about scams, fake pages or upcoming items on Farmville and you're looking for others that have these same beliefs, then you can visit or join our other groups. You can get the same info based on facts and from groups and people that playing fair and being scam free comes 1st. Why would you ever want to get your info from cheaters or groups that support them?
These are our Scam Free & Cheat Free Groups:
ScamVille Group: Scam Alerts
The 4f group:
ScamVille Blog:
Friends For Fair Farming – Public Blog
Play fair – public group
ScamVille – Group on
Play fair – causes