Saturday, March 12, 2011

How to tell if posted gifts are real and from the games you play!!!!!!!!!!!

I need your help zynga game players,if you play other games from zynga all listed inside this note can you please help me with getting the numbers for all the other games i don't play.


1 comment:

  1. There seems to be a lot of hackers, scams, going on with FV right now. I learned something very important today, that you can check to see if it's a real FV post: Put your cursor on the word FarmVille, (under the image). At the left bottom corner of your page you will see a long ID number. The real FV's number ends with the numbers 8776. If it does not, it's not real, so don't click! Click on share so Re-post so your neighbors know.

    1. FarmVille - 8776

    2. RewardVille -2211

    3. CityVille -

    4. Mafia wars -

    5. Treasure Isle -

    6. Cafe World -4719

    7. FrontierVille - 4497

    8. PetVille -

    9. FishVille - 9337

    10. YoVille -

    11. Vampire wars -

    12. Zynga poker -

    14. Blackjack -

    15. Street Racing -

    16. War Storm -

    17. fashion Wars -

    18. Pirates -

    If you will send me the numbers for all the games you play i will add them to this note,I have most games blocked so i can see all of them, Please send to my in-box or post in comment below.


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